TeachersCanBuyHomes Program was able to give a teacher at Trafalgar Middle School over $900 in Lender Credit!

TeachersCanBuyHomes Program was able to give a teacher at Trafalgar Middle School over $900 in Lender Credit! Pam, a Trafalgar Middle School Teacher, was able to receive over $900 in closing cost credit to obtain her new home. Donation checks will be presented to Trafalgar Middle within the week! Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple, easy, fast and affordable. Teachers buying…
Fort Myers High School as they receive $1200 total from TeachersCanBuyHomes.com for their PBS Program

Congratulations to Fort Myers High School as they receive $1200 total from TeachersCanBuyHomes.com for their PBS Program Science Teacher Mrs. Fanno Sold her existing home and at the same time bought a home from the TeachersCanBuyHomes Program. Not only did she receive a reduced commission on the sale of her home, but also received $1200 to the PBS Initiative. Thank you to Principal LaRosa and the staff at Fort Myers High School Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of…
Caloosa Middle Receives Money For AVID Cambridge Program

Caloosa Middle receives a donation to the AVID/Cambridge Program! Melissa, a vice principal at Caloosa Middle School just closed on her home using the teachers can buy homes program. Not only did she and her husband receive over $7000 in buyer credit but also a donation was made to her school’s AVID and Cambridge program. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple,…
Fort Myers High School Teacher Sells & Buys Effortlessly!

Congratulations Chris! Closed on her house and moved into her new one at the same time! Science teacher at Fort Myers High School not only closed on her new home, but sold her existing home and moved at the same time! That makes it 3 donations totaling $1200 made out to Fort Myers High School PBS Initiative. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying…
East Lee High School Baseball Teams Gets Dollars!

Congratulations to the East Lee High School Baseball team as they receive $600 total from www.TeachersCanBuyHomes.com Baseball Coach and Welding teacher Mr Filler bought a home from the TeachersCanBuyHomes Program. Not only did he receive over $500 in closing cost credit, but also received $600 to his BaseBall Team. Thank you Mrs. Zellers and the staff at East Lee High Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make…
Harns Marsh Middle School Receives Dollars

The Program just donated $500 to the AVID Program at Harns Marsh Middle School! Today, TeacherscanBuyHomes.com donated $500 total to the Principal of Harns Marsh Middle School that went to the AVID Program. Congratulations to their teacher Vanessa who recently used the program to buy her first home! Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple, easy, fast and affordable. Teachers buying…
Teacher Gets Credits For Closing & Donation To School!

TeachersCanBuyHomes Program was able to get $537 in closing cost credit! Jerriel, a Lee County Teacher, was able to receive over $500 in closing cost credit to obtain his new home. The program only gets stronger and better! Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple, easy, fast and affordable. Teachers buying their first home have found great success using this program. Not…
Golden Apple Teacher Buys Home

TeacherscanBuyHomes.com Gladly Helps Local Teacher Buy Her First Home. Vanessa Lynch, A Golden Apple Winner, from Harns Marsh Middle just closed on her very first home. Not only will TeachersCanBuyHomes donate money to the Schools AVID Program on her behalf but also helped in getting her $2,253.39 toward her closing costs. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple, easy, fast and affordable.…
Lee County Schools Kick Off Bash 2016

Congratulations to our winners of the Kick off Bash 2016 Todd Crickmore of Mariner and Tyler Stowell! Saturday TeacherscanBuyHomes.com gave away a Trek Mountain Bike to the Adult WInner of the 5k race Tyler Stowell whose Wife Ashley teaches at Fort Myers High. Todd Crickmore of Mariner High won a Raffle and a $300 gift basket of school supplies and gift cards. Congratulations! Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was…
Mariner High School Baseball Team Scores $600

Mariner Teacher couple successfully buy a home using www.teacherscanbuyhomes.com and receive $600 toward the Mariner High School Baseball Team A donation of $600 was made to Mariner High School for the baseball team on behalf of Tom and Trenna Woodley after the couple bought a home using the exclusive teacher loan for Just Lee County Teachers. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process…