“It is so unreal and super exicting program” says Melanie, a teacher at Veterans Park Academy of the Arts

Melanie, a 6th grade health teacher at Veterans Academy of the Arts, along with her husband Ray just closed on their new home. “The program is Awesome, Ed is very reliable and he is definately a people person looking out for teachers instead of himself or others” says Melanie. “A true professional” says Ray. No closing costs, no fees, and to top it off a donation to their school which will go toward intermural sports programs at Veterans. “The feeling is unreal and we are super excited.” says Melanie. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset,…
“You Teach the Teachers to buy homes” says Amanda with Veterans Park

Amanda, an art teacher at Veterans Park Academy of the Arts, just closed on her first home using Teacherscanbuyhomes. “The process of teachers can buy homes was much easier than I expected…everything was done for me” says Amanda. When a buyer knows what they want, but have trouble finding that product, we in the industry have ways of making one appear out of thin air. No competition, no over bidding, just your home! “The networking you did to make this happen out of thin air was amazing” “The process was very easy” says Amanda. In the end, Teacherscanbuyhomes will donate to the visual arts department to go toward field trips…
“Amazingly Easy” says Jennifer with Veterans Park

Jennifer, an 8th grade teacher at Veterans Park, Just closed her home using Teachers Can Buy Homes program. “The process was super easy! With this day and age in the Real Estate Market buyers are often compromising , and not once did the program let me compromise and I got everything I wanted” says Jennifer. The market definately changed since COVID and inventory is way down compared to previously. We teach to remain patient through this process because a home should never be a temporary fix. Closing costs and down payment can be really low. “I came to closing with 1/3 of what I assumed” says Jennifer. The program of…