Fort Myers High Teacher Dominik Basil Buys his First Home

Dominik, a teacher at Fort Myers High school, just closed on his new home using the Teacherscanbuyhomes program.  He along with his wife Jamie have never bought a home before and used our services.  As a teacher Dominik had NO FEES, all closing costs were covered and even came to closing with less than required by the lender.  We also were able to buy down his interest rate, and he received a $900 Gift Card to Lowes just to sweeten the deal.  A donation will be made to Fort Myers High to go toward the Girls Lacrosse team.  Hear their story below   Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the…

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Principal Larosa accepts a donation once again!

This makes the 3rd Donation to Fort Myers High from Teachers Can Buy Homes! Mrs. Jones, an english teacher at Fort Myers High School, along with her husband a Wrestling Coach at Island Coast High bought a home using the Teachers Can Buy Homes program.  His donation went toward the Wrestling Team and hers, $600, went toward Teacher Appreciation week to occur prior to start of school over at Fort Myers High School! Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth…

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