“Super Easy, smooth, and we really didnt have to do much” says Brooke

Brooke Endsley, a 4th grade teacher at Manatee Elementary, along with her finacee Brandon just closed on their new home. Brooke’s story is common in the industry. Many buyers go out and look at only 1 home from either an open house or just stumble on it, and the lesson from this is that a buyer should compare that house with others at the same price to see how that 1 home compares. In their case, they looked at 7 other homes and liked everyone of them better than the first house. “Teacherscanbuyhomes helped guide us throgh the entire process and we didnt really have to do much at all”…

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Bad Credit? No Problem! Kasey just bought herself a new home using TeachersCanBuyHomes

Kasey Exceus, a 1st grade teacher at Manatee Elementary, had a long road to get here. When we first talked we needed to work on her credit and finances step by step to get her to this point. Most teachers who face rejection initially when trying to buy a home get discouraged. Not Kasey! She listened to us, followed our process and program to the letter and made out with a gorgeous forever home on 1/2 acre. Wholesale interest rates, no fees, less than required down payment, and no worries and stress free.       Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program…

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Manatee Elementary Teachers Buys Her First Home

Manatee Elementary Teacher Renata Buys Her First Home Renata James, a 1st grade teacher at Manatee Elementary buys her home using Teacherscanbuyhomes.com She received a huge interest rate reduction and came to closing with less than 3.5% down which was what was required. Her story is great for teachers who don’t quite know if they can buy a home and for those who may think that this program sounds too good to be true. Hear her story below       Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant…

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Manatee Elementary Principal LaMar Accepts $700 For Playground Equipment

Manatee Elementary Principal LaMar Accepts $700 For Playground Equipment Mrs. Pond from Manatee Elementary not only received over $1200 in credits and incentives, but her school also gets $700 to the program of her choice.  Mrs. Pond chose that the money help with paying for playground equipment for her school.   Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers! Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit. Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple, easy, fast and affordable.…

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