Cynthia, a principal at Harns Marsh Elementary, and her husband Chy just closed on their home using the teachers can buy homes program. Cynthia when she first learned of our program thought “This must be too good to be true”. In the end is was true. Using another agent previously, they found themselves like most buyers, frustrated, tired, and overwhelmed in the buying process. After using our program Cynthia said it the best: “Ed was way more detailed in the buying process and we never had to initiate interaction as was with the previous agent”. Even though they faced difficulties finding the perfect home, we never strayed from the quest to find their forever home. “Ed plays a great devils advocate” says Chy. Always there to give advise on homes we had interest in and open our minds to other possibilities once he knew what we wanted”. Buying a home should never be forced, rushed, nor panicked. Something the Hernandez’s learned through the process. As advertised, they bought their home with no closing costs, fees, and just their down payment to the bank was all that was required. We will be making a donation to Harns Marsh Elementary Principal discretionary find which she will use to fund her staff and teachers.

Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers!
Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit.
Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple, easy, fast and affordable.
Teachers buying their first home have found great success using this program.
Not only do Teachers save substantial dollars when it comes to buying a home, a donation is made back to their school to the program of their choice. To date we have donated over $100,000 back to Lee County Schools
Many Teachers choose to have a donation made to their school for academics, arts or athletics. Schools are short on funds to pay for all the programs they want to have. The Teachers Can Buy Homes Program donates $10,000's of dollars annually on behalf of the teachers they help.