Babcock Teachers Sell Their Home Using TeachersCanBuyHomes

Teachers sell home in less than 60 days for Top Dollar!

“We didn’t have the do a lot of work” say Rico, a math teacher over at Babcock Neighborhood School who just recently sold their home using Teacherscanbuyhomes. You don’t need a lot of money nor do we want you to spend anything to stage and present a house and make it look like a model. “He gave us a checklist and we bought some lightbulbs” says Rico. “That is it!” He, along with his wife Bethany also a teacher at Babcock, listed their home and got a full price offer within 60 days. During this phase “When there were problems we didn’t know about, Ed just fixed them and told us later” We will donate be donating to each of their causes.  Bethany wants to fund a PBL for books for the History Department and Rico a fund for an IXL math skills program.  “To get funding for these we would have to come out of pocket mostly”  With our program they never will have to.



Teachers Can Buy Homes Program is the #1, most celebrated Teacher Home Buying Program created to assist our most valuable asset, Teachers!

Through this program Teachers, Educators, Principals, Assistant Principals and any one associated with the education of our youth can benefit.

Teachers Can Buy Homes Program was designed to make the home buying process simple, easy, fast and affordable.

Teachers buying their first home have found great success using this program.

Not only do Teachers save substantial dollars when it comes to buying a home, a donation is made back to their school to the program of their choice.

Many Teachers choose to have a donation made to their school for academics, arts or athletics. Schools are short on funds to pay for all the programs they want to have. The Teachers Can Buy Homes Program donates $10,000's of dollars annually on behalf of the teachers they help.